OpenAir Venture Programs

in India

Tamil Nadu


The 6-month venture building programme is divided into 3 phases. Each phase is structured with deliverables based on team formation and the development of the Company’s Action Plan.

We start to receive the application from 2nd September 2024.

Phase 1

C-Team Formation

Two C-candidate teams are appointed by the franchisee of an OpenAir venture program with the advice from OpenAir Group.


1 month

Phase 2

Action Plan Proposal

Two selected C-Candidate teams build the 2 year-term Company’s Action Plan based on the Request For Proposal co-issued by the franchisee and OpenAir Group.


4 months

Phase 3

Choose the acting team

Teams present their proposal of the Company's Action plan to the Evaluation Committee. Congrats to the team who become the acting team of an OpenAir venture program.


1 month

Bring your professional expertise to meet your C-Team members and harness science and technology to deliver world-changing solutions in our proprietary OpenAir ventures.